How to make life easier and simple


When you're struggling with life, it's easy to get stuck in a negative mindset. You may feel like the world is against you or that things are going wrong at every turn. But if you can find the right balance between optimism and realism, then you'll be able to make the most of your situation rather than letting it dictate your outlook on life. Here are some tips for how to make life easier:

Pick your battles.

In the world of minimalism, you have to be selective about what you take on. You need to stop caring about things that don't matter and start living your life with fewer distractions. It's easy to get so caught up in the minutiae of daily life that you forget how much time is wasted by doing things like trying to fix something or worrying about another person who doesn't care about what matters most: YOU!

You've got better things to do than waste precious time trying to make someone else happy (or even just yourself). You should focus on making yourself happy first—and then moving onto other people later once they've realized their own value in life.

Make a list of the people you admire most in your life and what it is about them that you find so inspiring.

If you want to be the best version of yourself, it’s important to have role models who inspire you. You can learn a lot from others and find your own path.

In today's world where we are constantly exposed to every kind of information—from social media posts, news articles and blogs, to books on how people manage their money or learn new skills—it can be easy for us as individuals not think about what makes us unique or different from others. We may feel like we don't stand out because everyone else has the same things going on in their lives as well as having similar interests (or lack thereof). But if there aren't any examples available then how will we ever know?

Of course there's always someone who has done something amazing! Someone who inspires me admiringly when I look at them because they're doing something different than everyone else around them; someone whose life inspires me even though they're not famous like Beyoncé Knowles-Carter; but also maybe more importantly: someone whose story inspires other people too - whether those stories involve hardship or success - because it shows us how hard work pays off :)

Try something new.

  • Try something new.

  • Take a class, read a book or go to a new restaurant and try the food there.

  • Travel somewhere you haven't been before, maybe even by yourself if it's possible! You can always find someone else who wants to come along with you if they're available or have someone else in mind (like their mom). That way your adventure becomes more memorable because of how much fun everyone had while traveling together!

Remember that happiness is not a destination.

Remember that happiness is not a destination. It's an experience, and you should be focused on enjoying yourself along the way instead of worrying about whether or not you're going to get there in one piece. If something doesn't feel right, change it! Don't be afraid to try something new if it makes you happy—and remember: no one else can put their finger on what causes your happiness more than yourself.

Stop trying to fix the unfixable.

The first step to making life easier is to stop trying to fix the unfixable. You can’t change your past, so why waste your time thinking about it?

You can’t change other people or their behavior. If they want something different, let them go find it on their own—or don't give them any of your attention until they do.

If someone isn't willing or able to listen or respond positively when you try talking with them, then there's no point in wasting any more energy on them than necessary (and indeed there'll be less).

Don't take things personally.

  • Don't take things personally.

  • You can't please everyone.

  • It's not about you, it's about them and what they need in their lives right now, so don't get mad or frustrated if they're not getting something from you that they want to hear/see/do something different than what you would prefer for them.

Find the right balance for yourself.

  • Find the right balance for yourself.

  • Find a balance between work and play.

  • Find a balance between family and work, so you can enjoy your kids when they're young, but also have time for yourself when they get older. This may mean working from home some nights or weekends so that you aren't constantly commuting back and forth from one place to another all day long—depending on what type of job it is (and how much sleep is required!).

You only have one life, live it well.

You only have one life, so live it well.

You are the only one who can make your life better or worse.

Life is what you make it

Life is what you make it. You can change your life for the better, and you have the power to do so! Life isn't always easy, but if you're willing to work for it and put in the effort, then anyone can get where they want to be.

There are many ways that we can improve our lives: we might want a new job or move somewhere else; we may want more friends or family members around us; maybe even just want a new apartment with nicer view out of their window (I know this sounds silly). All these things are possible - but only if they're something worth going after in the first place!


We hope these tips will help you find the peace and serenity you've been searching for. Remember, there is more than one way to live in this world—and it's not all about you. Remember what matters most: family, friends, and love. The rest will come along if you let it!
